The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program is set to expire on July 31, 2013. GSP extends duty-free treatment to several thousand products imported into the United States from more than two-thirds of the world's countries. GSP is an important way American companies keep costs down. Large and small businesses import products duty-free under GSP. Click on the image below to view an interactive map of likely GSP importers in the United States that could face higher costs if the GSP program is allowed to expire.
The Coalition for GSP is a Washington, DC-based group of U.S. businesses, trade associations, and consumer organizations that seeks the renewal of the GSP program by Congress before its expiration. Since 1992, the Coalition has been the predominant and successful U.S. business community voice advocating GSP renewal.
manages the Coalition for GSP. The Coalition advocates for the longest possible extension of the current GSP program. To this end, Coalition members and staff communicate regularly with Administration and Congressional officials to encourage them to move forward expeditiously with GSP renewal. Coalition members have testified at House and Senate hearings held to consider GSP renewal.
Members of the Coalition receive regular communications keeping them abreast of the status of GSP renewal so that they can best plan pricing and ordering strategies. This information also suggests various actions members can take to move the process along. The Coalition provides members with substantive support, including information and data to help companies make the case for GSP directly to their Members of Congress and staff.
The Coalition is also the active business voice participating in the effort to improve U.S. preference programs. We suggest changes that will promote full usage of U.S. preference programs in ways that are commercially meaningful to both exporters and importers.
To join the Coalition for GSP, please contact us at (202) 347-1085.
assists clients seeking to submit petitions, comments or letters to add products to GSP and to maintain GSP benefits for currently eligible products as part of the ongoing review process led by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Those who use GSP have three opportunities each year - March, June and November - to request actions that will continue or restore GSP benefits upon which they rely.
To discuss these opportunites to participate in GSP reviews, please call us at
(202) 347-1041.
Special Coalition Reports
• The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences Program (February 2013).
• Impacts of GSP Expiration (January 2011).
• Competitve Need Limit Waivers: A Primer (April 2010).
• The Generalized System of Preferences: A Primer (March 2010).
• Unilateral Preferential Trade Programs Offered by the United States, the European Union, and Canada: A Comparison (December 2008).
• Estimated Impact of the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences to U.S. Industry and Consumers (November 2006).
Other Coalition Documents
• Press Release: American Companies Hail Movement Forward on Renewing GSP; Urge Speedy Passage (June 2011).
• Top GSP Sources (February 2011).
• GSP Expiration and Renewal History (February 2011).
• Leading Product Groups (February 2011).
• Press Release: Response to GSP Expiration (December 2010).
• Letter to House Leadership Supporting the Original Version of the Omnibus Trade Act of 2010 (HR 6517) (December 2010).
• Press Release: GSP Renewal Letter (November 2010).
• Open Letter to Congress on Renewal of GSP (November 2010).
• Public Comments of the Coalition for GSP on the Importance of Preferences to American Businesses Submitted to the Senate Finance Committee (March 2010).
• It's Time to Renew GSP (March 2010).
• Written Statement of the Coalition for GSP on Ways to Improve Preferences Submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee (December 2009).
• Consensus Recommendations for U.S. Preference Program Improvements Submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee (December 2009).
• Letter to Congress Urging Immediate Renewal of GSP (September 2009).
• Press Release: Preference Reform Letters (April 2009).
• Preference Reform Letter to Congress (April 2009).
• Preference Reform Letter to USTR (April 2009).
• Impact of CNL Change on Jewelry Trade: One Year Later (December 2008).
• Impact of CNL Change on Brake Parts: One Year Later (December 2008).