This paper compares preference programs offered by major developed countries. It highlights the complex rules that limit developing country usage and offers U.S. policymakers suggestions for changes that would improve … Continue reading Unilateral Preferential Trade Programs Offered by the United States, the European Union, and Canada: A Comparison (2008)

Unilateral Preferential Trade Programs Offered by the United States, the European Union, and Canada: A Comparison (2008)

The Strength of Cross-Border Linkages Between US and Canadian Industry (2008)
Trade Partnership Worldwide, LLC research published by the Government of Canada explores the direct and indirect interactions in U.S.-Canada trade and quantifies the degree to which U.S. and Canadian production, … Continue reading The Strength of Cross-Border Linkages Between US and Canadian Industry (2008)

U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-07 (2008)
The Trade Partnership examined sector-specific export growth to China for each of the 435 U.S. congressional districts for the US-China Business Council’s annual report.