This report, prepared for the National Retail Federation, estimates the impacts of proposed tariffs on imports from China, including: apparel, footwear, toys, household appliances, furniture, travel goods, and televisions. We … Continue reading Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports from China: Apparel, Footwear, Toys, Household Appliances, Furniture, Travel Goods and Televisions

Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports from China: Apparel, Footwear, Toys, Household Appliances, Furniture, Travel Goods and Televisions

Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on the U.S. Economy and Workers (2019)
This study, prepared for Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, estimates the economic effects on the U.S. economy and U.S. jobs of U.S. tariffs and quotas on steel, aluminum and selected products … Continue reading Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on the U.S. Economy and Workers (2019)

Round 3: ‘Trade Discussion’ or ‘Trade War’? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum
This policy brief updates The Trade Partnership’s March 13 policy brief on the potential net U.S. job impacts of tariffs, quotas, and retaliation by U.S. trading partners, in response to … Continue reading Round 3: ‘Trade Discussion’ or ‘Trade War’? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum

An Accident Waiting to Happen? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Motor Vehicles and Parts (2018)
This policy brief examines the potential net impacts on U.S. jobs across all industries from the imposition of 25 percent tariffs on U.S. imports of motor vehicles and parts. We … Continue reading An Accident Waiting to Happen? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Motor Vehicles and Parts (2018)

Tariffs on Imports from China: The Estimated Impacts on the U.S. Economy (2018)
This study estimates the economic impact of the proposed U.S. tariffs and China’s proposed retaliation in three different scenarios. In the scenario we find most probable where the U.S. imposes … Continue reading Tariffs on Imports from China: The Estimated Impacts on the U.S. Economy (2018)

Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Import from China: Televisions, Monitors, Batteries, and Printer Cartridges (2018)
This study examines the impact of President Trump’s proposed tariffs on imports from China for four product categories: televisions, monitors. batteries, and printer cartridges. Our model accounts for shifts that … Continue reading Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Import from China: Televisions, Monitors, Batteries, and Printer Cartridges (2018)

Cross-Border Markets: Evaluating the Effect of U.S. Domestic Content Requirements on the U.S.-Canada Economic Partnership (2017)
In a new report prepared for the Embassy of Canada, The Trade Partnership examines the effects of U.S. domestic content requirements on the U.S.-Canada economic partnership. Based on interviews with … Continue reading Cross-Border Markets: Evaluating the Effect of U.S. Domestic Content Requirements on the U.S.-Canada Economic Partnership (2017)

Trade Matters for America: State Studies (2015)
The Trade Partnership used both new and existing research to create state-by-state reports on the importance of trade to American retailers and families. Each study highlights retail’s importance to the … Continue reading Trade Matters for America: State Studies (2015)

State-by-State Impacts of GSP (2015)
Based on an analysis of national and state import data, The Trade Partnership created state-specific reports on the financial impacts of continued expiration of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) … Continue reading State-by-State Impacts of GSP (2015)

Imports Work for America (2013)
In this groundbreaking study, Trade Partnership Worldwide quantifies the positive contribution of imports to the U.S. economy. The report shows how imports improve U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, raise standards of living, … Continue reading Imports Work for America (2013)