Posts by category
- Policy Brief: CBO Says Tariffs Will Be Bad; In Reality They Will Be Even Worse (2025)
- Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports: Apparel, Toys, Furniture, Household Appliances, Footwear, and Travel Goods
- Trade Means Growth for America – US Chamber of Commerce (2024)
- How The Proposed Trump Tariffs Increase Prices for Consumer Technology Products (2025)
- The Coalition for a Prosperous America Analysis of a 10% universal tariff: Comments
- Coalition of Services Industries (CSI) State and Congressional District Reports (2024)
- US – China Business Council State and Congressional District Export Report (2024)
- The Digital Trade Revolution - US Chamber of Commerce (2024)
- Brookings USMCA Tracker Update (2024)
- PNTR Revocation is a Recipe for Inflation (2024)
- Estimated Impacts of Changes to China’s Tariff Status: Toys, Furniture, Apparel, Household Appliances and Footwear (2023)
- Brookings USMCA Tracker (2023)
- Coalition of Services Industries (CSI) State and Congressional District Reports (2023)
- US – China Business Council State and Congressional District Export Report (2023)
- Consumer Brands Association: Chilling Domino Effect (2023)
- Impacts of Section 301 Tariffs on Imports from China (2023)
- Trade Facilitation Study, Third Way and National Foreign Trade Council (2022)
- Analysis of Section 301 Tariff Impacts on Imports of Consumer Technology Products (2022)
- The Digital Trade Revolution (2022)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2022)
- Analysis of Section 301 Tariff Impacts on Chemicals Trade (2021)
- Impacts of Trade: State Studies (2022)
- US – China Business Council State Export Report (2021)
- Imports Work for American Workers (2021)
- Impacts of Trade: State Studies (2020)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2020)
- US – China Business Council State Export Report (2020)
- CompTIA Tech Trade Snapshot (2020)
- U.S. Exports Fact Sheet (September 2020)
- Dear Political Candidates: On the Importance of Exports in the 2020 Election
- Trump Trade Policy: Founded on Rock or Sand?
- U.S. Exports Fact Sheet Archive
- Before Launching a New Trade War with Canada, Let’s Examine the Impacts of the Last One
- Everyone Has a Stake in Trade: A Review of U.S. Exports by Congressional District (January 2020)
- Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports from China: Cell Phones, Laptops and Tablets, Video Game Consoles and Toy Drones (2019)
- Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports from China: Apparel, Footwear, Toys, Household Appliances, Furniture, Travel Goods and Televisions
- CompTIA Tech Trade Snapshot (2019)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2019)
- The U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Program: Economic Benefits to American Communities (2019)
- Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on the U.S. Economy and Workers (2019)
- Round 3: ‘Trade Discussion’ or ‘Trade War’? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum
- CompTIA Tech Trade Snapshot: Imports and Exports of Tech Products and Services (2018)
- An Accident Waiting to Happen? The Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Motor Vehicles and Parts (2018)
- Tariffs on Imports from China: The Estimated Impacts on the U.S. Economy (2018)
- Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Import from China: Televisions, Monitors, Batteries, and Printer Cartridges (2018)
- Coalition of Services Industries State and Congressional District Reports (2018)
- US – China Business Council State Export Report (2018)
- Business Rountable NAFTA State Reports (2018)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2018)
- Round 2: Trading Partners Respond, the Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum (2018)
- Does Import Protection Save Jobs? The Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports of U.S. Steel and Aluminum (2018)
- Impacts of Trade: State Studies (2017)
- UK – US Trade and Investment Highlights: City Reports (2018)
- Terminating NAFTA: The National and State-by-State Impacts on Jobs, Exports and Output (2018)
- Cross-Border Markets: Evaluating the Effect of U.S. Domestic Content Requirements on the U.S.-Canada Economic Partnership (2017)
- US - China Business Council Congressional District Export Report (2017)
- Business Rountable NAFTA State Reports (2017)
- UK - US Trade and Investment Highlights: District Reports (2017)
- US - China Business Council State Export Report (2017)
- India Matters for America / America Matters for India (2017)
- ASEAN Matters for America / America Matters for ASEAN (2017)
- Pacific Partners 2017: Japan's Economic Importance to the United States
- Growing Together: Economic Ties between the United States and Mexico (2017)
- UK - US Trade and Investment Highlights: State Reports (2017)
- US-China Business Council State Export Report (2016)
- Economic Impact of U.S.-Canada Supply Chains (2016)
- TPP Holds Potential for Retailers and American Families (2016)
- The TPP Agreement: An Opportunity for the States (2015)
- Impacts of Trade: State Studies (2015)
- The Impact of a U.S.-Brazil Trade Agreement (2016)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2016)
- Trade Matters for America: State Studies (2015)
- Japan Matters for America/America Matters for Japan (2015)
- Australia Matters for America/America Matters for Australia (2015)
- State-by-State Impacts of GSP (2015)
- Exports and Employment in the Northeast in 2013 (2015)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment Update (2014)
- Impacts of Trade: State Studies (2014)
- The TPP Agreement: An Opportunity for the States (2014)
- Rethinking "Made in America" in the 21st Century (2014)
- Technology CEO Council Report on U.S. ICT Exports Released (2014)
- TTIP and the 50 States: Jobs and Growth from Coast to Coast (2013)
- Today More than Ever: Oregon and Portland/Vancouver Depend on International Trade and Investment (2013)
- Benefits of Trade with Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Countries: State Studies (2013)
- Imports Work for America (2013)
- Technical Assistance for Intellectual Property Rights Protection (2013)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2002-11 (2012)
- Everyone Has a Stake in Trade (2012)
- State Studies on Russian PNTR (2012)
- Study on the Economic Impact of "TRIPS-Plus" Free Trade Agreements (2011)
- U.S. Trade Preference Programs: Lessons from Europe from the U.S. Struggle to Get It Right (2010)
- International Trade: A Driver of Output and Employment in Oregon and Portland/Vancouver (2010)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-10 (2010)
- Trade and American Jobs: The Impact of Trade on U.S. and State-Level Employment, An Update (2010)
- U.S.-Canada Trade and U.S. State-Level Production and Employment: 2008 (2010)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-09 (2010)
- Opening Markets, Creating Jobs: Estimated U.S. Employment Effects of Trade with FTA Partners (2010)
- The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences Program: An Integral Part of the U.S. Economy (1997; updated in 2010)
- The U.S.-Korea FTA: Bringing Growth and Jobs to Every State (2010)
- Non-Tariff Measures in EU-US Trade and Investment - An Economic Analysis (2009)
- Trade Action - or Inaction: The Cost for American Workers and Companies (2009)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-08 (2009)
- America, Canada, and Mexico: Mutual Benefits from Trade and Investment (2009)
- Unilateral Preferential Trade Programs Offered by the United States, the European Union, and Canada: A Comparison (2008)
- The Strength of Cross-Border Linkages Between US and Canadian Industry (2008)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-07 (2008)
- U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement State Studies (2007)
- U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement State Studies (2007)
- U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement State Studies (2007)
- U.S. Congressional District Exports to China: 2000-06 (2007)
- Estimated Impacts of the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences to U.S. Industry and Consumers (2006)
- Role of China in Competitiveness of U.S. Consumer Electronics Industry (2006)
- Vietnam PNTR and WTO Accession State Studies (2006)
- Impact of Imports from China on U.S. Employment (2005)
- U.S. Textile and Apparel Industries: The "Wizard" Behind the Curtain Revealed (2005)
- DR-CAFTA Congressional District and Sectoral Studies (2005)
- Shrimp Antidumping Petition Would Jack Up Prices to Shrimp-Consuming Industries (2004)
- How to Survive the End of Textile and Apparel Quotas in 2005 (2004)
- NAFTA: A Decade of Growth (2004)
- Protectionism in America: Watch Your Wallet (2003)
- Partnership for a Stronger Future: U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (2003)
- The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Steel Import Tariffs: A Quantification of the Impact During 2002 (2003)
- Estimated Economic Effects of Proposed Import Relief Remedies for Steel (2001)
- Estimated Effects on the United States and Bangladesh of Liberalizing U.S. Barriers to Apparel Imports (2001)
- FTAA: Blueprint for Prosperity, Building on NAFTA's Success (2001)
- Costs to American Consuming Industries of Steel Quotas and Taxes (2001)
- African Growth and Opportunity Act Implementation Guide (2000)
- Barriers to Wool Fibre Products Trade: Costs to US Consumers and Australian Woolgrowers (1999)
- Imports: The Rest of the Story (1998)
Report categories